Useful Links
Note: If you click a link and nothing happens, be sure that you allow pop-ups from the NDT web site. You probably have a toolbar button that will let you enable pop-ups (usually found on a toolbar below the main web browser toolbar or menus).
AKC Entry Forms
You can use the following forms to sign up for AKC Agility, Rally, and Obedience trials. You can save the form on your computer, type your information in the form on-screen (before or after saving it), and print it. To the best of our knowledge, these are the most recent AKC entry forms. If you find that there are newer forms, please let us know.
Form-Filling Web Site
In addition, there is a great web site that we recommend that stores your information and fills-in the PDF for you. Check it out!
Local Clubs and Schools
Many of these groups host obedience and agility trials, hunt tests, practice (fun) matches, in addition to periodic lectures on dog related topics.
Fort Detroit Golden Retriever Club
Greater Toledo Obedience Training Club
Marshbanks Golden Retriever Club
Obedience Training Club of Greater Lansing
Sportsmen’s Obedience Training Club
The AKC (American Kennel Club) site offers a huge amount of information about upcoming events, show results, and much, much more.
MB-F, also known as Moss Bow-Foley, is a large superintendent of dog shows in the Eastern USA. Their site lists not only their shows but others as well.
Entry Express is an on-line registration system for field events for retrievers, including hunt tests and field trials. You can find out about local events, including locations and starting times.
Books, Magazines, and DVDs
Front and Finish This long running magazine has recently gone to an on-line only format. There are articles about a huge variety of dog training topics, including obedience, rally, agility, and a whole lot more! Adele has been an avid subscriber since she started in dogs in the 1980’s.
Dogwise carries just about any book on dog and cat training and care you can imagine. Adele’s books, Competition Obedience: A Balancing Act and The Art of Proofing are available through Dogwise (as well as directly through this website). — a website with hundreds of dog training books for sale. They also sell obedience equipment and breed-based gift items.
Obedience Information
Dog show scores website – a GREAT resource for looking up your dog’s obedience and rally scores.
Catherine Zinsky’s website contains a lot of information about competition obedience, including videos about all the different exercises in AKC obedience.
Wikipedia page on obedience.
Agility Information
Clean Run: magazine, store, course designer, and events.
AGILEDOGS Email List Comprehensive information on how to join the Agiledogs discussion list on agility.
The Dog Agility Page/ Just about everything related to agility on the web can be found here. It’s one of Adele’s favorite web sites.
Yahoo agility-equipment information This is an e-mail list whose topic is agility equipment.
Agility ability – losts of cool stuff here!
The Online Dog Agility Information Page
Information on all the various organizations that offer agility trials. If you need to know how to register your dog, this page will probably get you the needed answers!
J & J carries a wide variety of equipment for obedience and agility.
Max200 carries a wide variety of equipment for obedience and agility. Their scent articles are Adele’s favorites.
Bea’s K-9 Rally carries a wide variety of Rally-related equipment, from videos to flash cards to books. carries “Extraordinary Dog Supplies” (so says their business cards). It’s a neat site and has great people.
Wolverine Sports – Poly Spots The 9″ yellow rubber disks that Adele uses in her obedience classes are available from this website. The company is based in Ann Arbor, but will ship nationwide.
You can thick Utility gloves from Just Right Gloves.
Training Information
Karen Pryor’s website has a multitude of information on clicker training.
Click and Treat—This is the best place to “Click Start” your clicker training skills! Click and Treat(R) Training is a practical and humane application of operant conditioning for dogs and the hottest trend in modern dog training. This is Gary Wilkes website.
Dealing with Problems — Dog Training is for every dog, regardless of breed or size! The information on Dog is designed to help you fix any of the dog training problems you might be experiencing with your dog.