Thursday February 6, 2025
I am very disappointed to have to say we are closed today due to the layer of ice coating everything, including Ellsworth Rd.
Tuesday February 2, 2025
With yesterday’s warmer temperatures, lots of spreading of melter and ice chipping efforts, the amount of ice has been reduced enough that we are holding classes today. The very worst ice is in the parking area between the buildings – there is a frozen pond there! We will place a cone there to remind people to avoid the area. There is also a cone on the sidewalk between the buildings. There is a low spot there and water puddles on it. Although melter was sprinkled there at lunch time, there is likely to be ice there, so be careful if you have to go between the buildings.
For those coming to class with Adele, the best place to park would be at the very far end of the parking lot, including back around the end of the building and then entering through that single door.
For those coming to Terri’s agility classes, park alongside the big building and across the parking lot if needbe, to leave room to the south for the small building students.
For those coming to Kim’s small-building classes, please park by the small building as much as you can, and across the driveway from there.
For later classes: we strongly recommend that you wait to park until the earlier class(es) have ended and those students have left. That should free up spaces closer to the buildings. You may also wish to back into a spot, as the areas next to the building are mostly ice-free.
Friday January 31, 2025
In spite of a lot of effort to remove the ice and the warmer temperatures in the past couple of days, there is STILL some stubborn ice and then we’ve had a layer of snow on top of that.
All classes and private lessons are canceled for Saturday February 1. We will add on as many days of class as we’ve had to miss due to the ice closures.
Wednesday January 29, 2025
We are also canceling the obedience match scheduled for January 30. If you are signed up for the match, please go to the sign up sheet and delete all occurrences of your name.
Tuesday January 28, 2025
Monday January 27, 2025
Thursday January 23, 2025
Rita and Kim are canceling all of their lessons and classes for Monday January 27.
Sunday January 19, 2025
Saturday January 18, 2025
Weather conditions are turning the driveway and parking lot into a large skating rink, which means we are CLOSED for any activities in the training buildings today. All classes/lessons/floor time is canceled. Please let your instructor know you’ve seen this.
Wednesday December 18, 2024
We are offering Holiday Floor time for the next couple of weeks during our break from classes. Here are the basic rules:
Holiday Floor Time 2024
Please be sure to check the schedule before coming out to train, as we might make changes.
Thursday December 12, 2024
Karen Tudor has canceled both her classes for today due to the extreme cold and wintery weather.
Friday August 16, 2024
I just sent out the August Mailchimp newsletter but neglected to include this under the information about the Intro to Agility Obstacles:
We will open registration on CourseStorm for Intro to Agility classes on Monday August 19 at 8:00 AM. Until that time, the classes will show up as “Registration Unavailable”
Wednesday July 24, 2024
I sent out the July Mailchimp newsletter late on Tuesday July 23. The newsletter included an announcement about two classes that will start on August 3, an Intro to Scent and an AKC Novice Tricks class. There was such an overwhelming interest in the Intro to Scent class that we added a 2nd section (at 12:00 PM, same dates). That section is also filled, and we are keeping a waiting list in case any of the first 12 people decide not to do the class. Anyone left on the waiting list will have first choice for a late September scent class.
You can read more about both classes here.
Wednesday February 21, 2024
The Ann Arbor Dog Training Club on North Territorial in Whitmore Lake is hosting a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) practice and test in the next couple of weeks. Here is the information in case you are interested:
Thursday February 15, 2024
We got a couple of inches of snow this morning and Terri has decided to cancel all of her lessons and classes.
Tuesday January 30, 2024
There are still a lot of spaces left in the Puppy Kindergarden class scheduled to start next week. See the link below in the Friday announcement to sign up. Puppies need to be < 5 months old.
10:30 AM: The snow is falling fast and furious. Adele’s morning classes are canceled. We will update here in the early afternoon about whether or not afternoon and evening classes and lessons will happen. Mother Nature has certainly been against Tuesday training this month!
Friday January 26, 2024
Adele’s February Household Manners and Puppy Kindergarden classes are available for sign up on Coursestorm. The classes are scheduled to start on February 5, 2024, with the caveat that the previous classes, delayed by bad weather, must finish on January 29. If bad luck means another delay, Adele will contact you before February 5.
The worst of the ice is gone, hurray, so weekend activities are a go.
Thursday January 25, 2024
The Great Northfield Ice Flow looks pretty similar to yesterday this morning – i.e., too icy for human and dog safety – so we continue to be closed for activity. Please let your instructor know that you have seen this message. Any canceled classes will be extended another week to make up for the cancelation.
Wednesday January 24, 2024
While there has been significant improvement in the Great Northfield Ice Flow since yesterday morning, it is still too thick for safety, so we continue to be closed for activity. Please let your instructor know that you have seen this message. Any canceled classes will be extended another week to make up for the cancelation.
Tuesday January 23, 2024
The overnight weather conditions have turned the driveway, parking lot and most likely Ellsworth Rd. into a skating rink, so we will be closed for ALL activities (classes, lessons, floor time) until we have sufficient melting for it to be safe for humans and dogs. Please let your instructor know that you have seen this message. Any canceled classes will be extended another week to make up for the cancelation.
Monday January 22, 2024
Rita has canceled her evening class due to the expected freezing rain.
Adele is going on with her afternoon classes.
Adele decided to cancel her 6:30 class.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
All classes and lessons canceled. An extra week will be tacked on to the classes to make up for the cancelation.
Thursday January 18, 2024
We had a couple more inches of light fluffy snow overnight. We are not getting it plowed. Ellsworth Rd is snow-covered.
We are going ahead with the obedience match today. If you need to cancel, please go to the sign up sheet if before 11:30 AM or contact Adele via Facebook Messenger if later than that.
Terri’s lessons and classes will go on as scheduled.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Please see the sign up sheet for more info about the status of 1/18 obedience match.
Tuesday January 16, 2024
All classes and lessons canceled due to extreme cold and the condition of Ellsworth Rd. An extra week will be tacked on to the classes to make up for the cancelation.
Monday January 15, 2024
All classes and lessons canceled due to extreme cold and the condition of Ellsworth Rd. An extra week will be tacked on to the classes to make up for the cancelation.