About Us
Adele Yunck created a video in February 2010 sharing a brief history of Northfield Dog Training.
Northfield Dog Training was officially launched in March 1990, when Adele Yunck hung out her dog training shingle. She started by renting a 2.5 car garage in Belleville, MI, where she taught classes a couple of nights a week. It was small, cold, and messy, but also inexpensive, and got her new business off the ground.
In 1992, her family moved from Northfield Township to Lodi Township. They put an addition on the pole barn already on the new property, adding heat, a floor, and insulation to make it a pleasant training room.
NDT continued to grow and thrive through the 1990’s. With the advent of agility training, Adele fenced in a large area on the property in order to offer agility classes. By the end of the decade, NDT was bursting at the seams of the original training building.
In 2001, Adele realized a decade-long dream of constructing a custom-designed and built 12,000 square foot facility for training dogs. The Big Building allows NDT to offer many classes at many levels, from puppy kindergarten and Jumpstart obedience, through advanced training for obedience, rally and agility competition, as well as the occasional basic training for retrievers class.
In addition to NDT’s weekly classes, we host obedience and rally fun matches, and local clubs periodically rent the building in order to host competitions. People can earn titles with their dogs at these trials. NDT also occasionally offers weekend dog training seminars for interested participants.