Obedience & Rally Matches
We are back to hosting monthly obedience matches! Most of them will be on Thursday afternoons and into the evening if there is enough demand. We have some Saturday matches scheduled which will also include Rally. We will post a link to the Google sheet on which you can sign up for the match 10-14 days before the date of the match.
The rules for sign-up:
- Anyone signing up to work either as a judge or a steward gets priority for signing up for their run-throughs. Until ALL of the worker spots are filled in, please don’t sign up for run-throughs if you can’t sign up for one of the worker spots. If you do, we’ll have to remove you.
- Obedience entries are $5/run. Rally entries are $5/4 minutes on the course. Judges get 2 free runs for each 1.5 hour shift worked and stewards 1 free run for each 1.5 hour shift worked.
- If you have never signed up for one of our matches before, you will need permission to edit the match worksheet. Click here to go to NDT Upcoming Obedience Fun Matches workbook. You may ask for approval at any time, even if there is not a sheet for the next match yet. I do my best to approve you promptly, but please be patient!
- Please enter your full name (first AND last) and your dog’s name, and what class. Include a jump height for any class requiring jumps.
- Do check back shortly before the match to make sure of your running times. We reserve the right to make adjustments.
*Please note! You must be logged into your Google account in order to be able to see the match sign-up page and make any entries. If nothing happens when you click on the particular match link, try logging into your Google account in a different window.
I aim to post the current month’s sign-up sheet 10 days before the match date, so for Thursday matches, I post the sheet on Monday mornings by 8:30 AM.
You can find the workbook here. If you have never signed up for one of our matches, please note that once you request approval, I must approve your request, and I don’t necessarily see your request email for some period of time. You may request approval even when there isn’t a match to sign up for, and I highly recommend this.
Currently Scheduled Dates
Date | Day | Start Time | Last Runs | Notes | Sign up sheet posted |
January 30, 2025 | Thursday | 12:00 PM | 7:30 PM | 2 ring obedience match | Mon Jan 20, 2025 |