Our Buildings

The Big Building

Northfield Dog Training has two indoor training buildings. Our Big Building allows year-round agility and obedience training in air-conditioned/heated comfort. It is 80′ X 156′, with 1.5″ thick poured rubber training floor with 9mm rolled rubber on top. The arena floor is 78′ X 124′. For classes, the room is split in half with moveable PVC fences, with agility classes held on the south end of the building and obedience and rally classes on the north end.

The facility includes a kitchen, equipment room, upstairs crating area, a one-stall men’s bathroom and a 3-stall women’s bathroom. It is a treat to train in, especially in the hot summer months.

Ann Arbor Dog Training Big Building

NDT’s Big Building

The Small Building

Ann Arbor Dog Training Small Building

NDT’s Small Building

Our small training building is 30′ by 64′. It has the same top layer of rubber matting for the training floor as the Big Building. Kim Poisson is teaching all of her classes in the small building.

The Agility Yard

We have a fully fenced 150′ X 180′ yard, where we used to hold agility classes before we built the Big Building. Adele’s retriever classes often meet in this yard in the warmer months.

NDT Property Layout

Northfield Dog Training Building

A & B are entrances into the Small Building, where Kim Poisson teaches all of her classes.
C & D are entrances into the Big Building. Use these for agility classes.
E is the entrance into the Big Building which you should use for all of Adele’s obedience and Rally classes, including Puppy Kindergarten and Household Manners.